The Ensign Youth and Children's Choir is collaborating with the Ensign Symphony & Chorus to do a Virtual presentation of the world premiere performance of One By One. We are inviting children throughout the world to participate! They are joining for the third chorus (the climax!) of this piece. We invite children ages 8-12 to create a video to join us in the special experience.
We are looking for a highly diverse group from around the world. Preferably from outside the USA, but we will be happy to accept videos from underrepresented groups as well.
You can download the sheet music for One by One here.
Here are the words to the chorus:
One by one He gathers all his children.
One by one He teaches them His way.
And I know by his smile, I am his child Jesus loves us one by one.
Make sure you can play the conductor track and record a video simultaneously. You could use a computer to do both, or use two separate devices. Make sure to download the track to your device so the song timing is not affected by buffering.
Dress according to instructions below.
Find a quiet place to record. We want to hear just you.
Do a quick test recording to make sure the audio for your voice is good. Try to eliminate background noise (fans, refrigerators, trains, dogs, etc.)
Make your background as neutral as possible. It doesn’t need to be a completely blank wall, but if you can remove anything distracting, please do.
You will want to play through the conductor track to familiarize yourself with it. You can also use it to practice your part.
Download the conductor track here. *With internet connections being heavily loaded at this time - in order to ensure the videos run at the correct speed you NEED to download them.
Please follow these instructions to record your video.
Find a quiet place to record.
Wear a solid white top.
Play the video into your headphones while you record yourself - sing along with the voice on the recording. The only sound recorded should be your voice.
If there is more than one child in a family, they may record together and send in one video.
Send your video as an attachment to
Please include your name and what country you are from.
Please try to have all videos sent in by June 19.
White polo or nice white dress shirt.
For questions regarding the process of recording the video or about the virtual experience in general, please email Steve at
For website questions, please contact Maggie at